
When speaking with a  member of my new mastermind group, she mentioned something that completely floored me. She has used Arnica for years, but never realized that it was homeopathic until meeting me and the other homeopath in our group.

Never realized it was homeopathic? It says so on all of the packages. You could only get it from health food stores until recently, you can’t buy regular drugs in a health food store! No aspirin, Tylenol  or Advil there. I was floored and have been thinking about this for a week. If I had found something like Arnica that was not mainstream, I would have asked questions, done research, found answers until I knew more about what it was and I guess what it was not. Maybe I am more curious then other people, (actually I consider myself almost nosey). Come to think of it a trip to the library in school required lots of time because I would get distracted reading anything of interest in the encyclopedia, before finding what I had come for and actually doing any work ! Still have that tendency, look up one remedy and I find I am reading totally unrelated remedies just for the joy of learning about them. There must be a rubric for that! Guess it makes me a totally immersed and very happy homeopath. Glad to meet you.

About sueboylern

I graduated in 1973 from a hospital based school of nursing and worked in hospitals over 17 years before becoming convinced something was off with the medical system. We would "patch" people up only to have them return in 6-8 months just a little worse. I found a book on homeopathy in 1990 and have not looked back since that time. A system of healing that makes sense and that does no harm, just what nurses love.
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